How To Fix A Loose Door Handle

Like any other part of your door, the handle is not something you want to stop working on you suddenly.

At best, you’ll have a few nervous seconds while you struggle to open the door. At worst, you could be stuck inside or outside of your house as that stubborn door handle finally gives up the ghost.

Why Door Handles Become Loose

Door handles usually become loose because some part of the turning or locking mechanism has become defective. Years of use can promote wear and tear. 

Screws can come loose from the door plate, making the handle unstable as well. 

If any of the above are affecting your door handle, here’s what you can do to make the repair yourself.

Tighten The Screws In The Door Plate 

This one is a relatively easy fix. The door plate is a piece of metal that holds your door handle to the main door.

If your door plate has exposed screws, determine the type of screwdriver you need to make the repair and tighten the screws. 

You’ll know they’ve been re-fixed to the plate once you can no longer turn the screwdriver.

Some door handles have no visible screws. In such a case, the screws may be located under the metal plate. In simpler cases, you can remove the plate and tighten the screws found under them.

Some door handle and lock mechanisms are a little more complex. If the screws are in an unusual pattern, it may be best to leave the repair to a professional locksmith.

Replacing the Door Handle

This might be your only option if the door handle is worn beyond salvaging. This is a multi-part operation.

Remove the plates

Similar to what we described above, if the screws are in the open, remove them with a screwdriver. If not, remove the metal plate that’s over them and then take the screws out. 

Do this for both sides of the door.

Remove the handles

Once the screws are removed, you should be able to take the handles out. If you’ve bought a new handle set, you’ll have to remove the original door handles’ spindles and latch as well.

Put in the new handles

Re-fit the latch mechanism. Then place the new spindle into the hole meant for it. Once it’s in the correct location, you can individually replace the door handles on each side by re-attaching them with the associated screws.

If The Problem Is A Part Of The Door Handle

You may not have to replace your door handles if the problem is a part that has broken or rusted.

For example, if the issue is a broken spindle, purchase a new spindle for the brand of door handle lockset you own. Replace in the manner we describe above.

If the spindle or another part of the door handle is broken resulting in a stuck door, it may be best to call a professional locksmith.

Prevention is better than cure

Of course, it’s better to not have to do this repair or replacement in the first place. There are some simple ways you can maintain your door handles.

First, clean them regularly. Many door handles become faulty because of a build-up of dirt, grease, and other foreign matter.

Remember that a door handle lockset is made up of moving parts. Every so often, you should lubricate the parts with WD-40, oil, or graphite spray.

Probably most importantly, don’t slam your doors. Slamming causes the screws to come loose over time.

If you find this job is a little too complex for you and you need a professional locksmithing company to take care of a loose handle problem, don’t be afraid to call us. Contact us at (305) 846-9360.

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