How to Protect Your Car Against a Break-In

It is one thing to protect your home against a break in but protecting your car against a break-in is another game completely. Unlike your home, your car sits on the street all day while you are working, it may sit on the street all night while you are sleeping. It is constantly in a vulnerable position. A smashed window and a broken door can be expensive to fix. Here is a guide to help you protect your car against a break-in. 

Don’t Keep Valuables in the Car

A good start to protecting your car from a break-in is to stop people from wanting to break into the car in the first place. If you have anything valuable in your car, keep it completely out of sight. Don’t make it look like you have anything valuable in your car. 

An Xbox box is not a suitable box for transporting old books if it makes it look like you have a new Xbox in your car. You may know it’s not a new Xbox in your car, but thieves of opportunity do not. 

Don’t take chances. If it’s valuable, take it with you or hide it well. Do the same if it looks valuable or can be mistaken for valuables because it will cost you to get your car fixed after a break-in. 

Lock Your Car Doors and Windows

It sounds simple and obvious, but it is so easy to leave the door open for a second while you take your trolley back to the trolley stand. It is even easier to leave your window open to help keep the car cool on a hot day, because who wants to return to a hot car? But these things leave your car vulnerable to attack. 

Watch Where You Keep Your Keys

It is never a good idea to keep a spare key inside the car. All a thief needs to do is break a window; the car is theirs. Also, be careful about hiding car keys outside of your home. Like house keys, car keys are a commodity that you need to handle with care. 

If you do need to store one outside the home, consider investing in a secure key box rather than hiding them among plants or fake rocks as thieves often know where to look for these things. 

Steering Wheel Lock

As this is a list to help prevent a break in you may be surprised to see a steering wheel lock on here. But the purpose of a steering wheel lock goes beyond making it difficult for a car thief to gain control of your vehicle and drive away. 

Typically, a thief of any type hates resistance. When they see that something is going to take more time or cause more issues that can lead to them potentially getting caught in the act they are not going to target that house or car. 

Therefore, having a steering wheel lock in use when your car is parked acts as an excellent deterrent. That can protect your vehicle against a break-in!

Car Alarms

Car alarms are loud and draw attention. A thief in action hates anything that draws attention towards them. A car with a good alarm is going to deter a thief from even trying to break in. Many makes and models of cars come with car alarms equipped. However, if yours does not, you can buy alarms that work with your car. This can scare off any would-be car thieves and alert you to people messing with your vehicle. 

In Car Smart Security

Gone are the days when car cameras were just for driving on the roads. Now they can come to life when the car is standing still. With high-tech motion sensors, if anyone gets close enough to be messing with your car your phone can receive a notification, alarms can start going off and recordings can be made. 

Different types of smart cameras are now available on the market for installation in cars. So, you can always have the peace of mind that your vehicle is safe on the road and safely parked. 

Be Prepared with Your Local Automotive Locksmiths. 

The Security and Lock Corporation is here to help with all your automotive locksmithing needs. Our experienced and professional service can provide you with more tips, advice, and assistance with your car keys or your home or commercial security systems. 

You can find us at 2680 NE 2nd Ave, Midtown, MIAMI 33137. Alternatively, send word to The Security and Lock Corporation through our contact page or give us a call at (305) 846-9360 and a member of the team will be happy to help you. 

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