Should You Change the Locks When You Move To A New Home?

The short answer to this question is ‘Yes’. Even though you’ve moved to a new home, you can’t make assumptions about its security based on the new location. There are still security risks whether the home is newly built or already constructed.

Many People May Still Have Copies of Your Keys

There’s much to love about a new build, ready-to-move home. You don’t feel the presence of all the previous owners. You don’t have to fix their decor mistakes. Your home smells of fresh paint and is full of possibilities.

Keep in mind though, that even though it may not have been occupied, several people may have access to your new home. The realtor with whom you closed the sale. The contractor who built your home may have even given copies to subcontractors depending on what they needed to do.

Just to be on the safe side, change the locks. This way you ensure that you and members of your family are the only ones to have copies of the keys.

Locks Would Have Aged in Older Houses

Maybe owning an older house in a particular architectural style has always been your dream. Such homes come with different responsibilities, but one thing remains the same, you need to change the locks here too.

Most locks have a lifespan of 6-7 years. If your home is older than 10 years and the locks have never been changed, this is problematic for several reasons. Older locks can fail unexpectedly, leaving you locked out of your home. They are also easier to pick, creating an opening for burglars.

Rekeying is an option

Sometimes, changing all of the locks at the same time may be outside of your budget. Your locksmith may suggest rekeying them.

Rekeying involves changing the lock configuration so that it works with different keys. This may be a cost-effective choice for a new home. If the locks are old and worn, rekeying isn’t going to keep your home as secure as it could be. It will be new keys in the same old compromised lock.

In such a case it’s best to have new locks installed.

Do you need to change the locks at your new home, or would like some other advice on securing your home? Feel free to contact us by emailing [email protected] or calling us at (305) 846-9360.

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