Tips for Your Motorhome and Caravan Security

When it comes to the security of your home you can set up permanent CCTV, lighting, smart doorbells and other cool security features to keep things safe. Keeping a caravan or a motorhome safe can be a little harder. That is why we have put together some tips to help you keep your motorhome or caravan secure. 

Choose Your Parking Carefully

Parking at the edge of the forest out of sight of everyone may seem like an excellent idea at the time, but it can also make your caravan or motorhome a potential target for criminal activity. You want your van to be parked where people can see it at all times, even if this is simply in plain view of a busy road. 

If possible, plan all pit stops ahead before you set off on any long journeys. By researching and planning all your stopping points, you can reduce the risk of having to stop in an unsafe location. 

The same security rules apply when your motorhome or caravan is parked at home. If you cannot store it in a garage, park it where you can see it. Parking the vehicle, the next street over in a dimly lit area will make it a target. 

Keeping Entrances Locked

As with your home, you will want to make sure doors and windows to your motorhome or caravan are locked when no one is home. Even if you are only going to be out for a few minutes. An open door or an open window is an invitation to a passer-by with malicious intent. 

The quality of your locks will also help to keep your motorhome or caravan safe. The more you pay for the locks, generally, the safer the lock will be. Remember, if a burglar gets into your caravan or motorhome, they have the opportunity to remove the entire vehicle, not just the goods from inside. 

Be Mindful of your Keys

Because a break-in could lead to your whole holiday vehicle going missing, it is important not to leave keys in the caravan or motorhome. That way, if someone does gain entry, they cannot easily drive away. 

Registration Documents

Your registration documents are highly valuable, you never want to leave them inside your caravan or motorhome. These documents will make it easier for a thief to sell your caravan or motorhome if they do manage to drive away with it. 

Physical Deterrents

A physical deterrent is good at any time. If you are on holiday, take them with you and put them back on your vehicle when it’s parked. A criminal likes a quick job and an easy getaway. The following deterrents will slow them down and make your caravan or motorhome look like more trouble than it is worth:

  • Steering lock.
  • Wheel Clamp.
  • Surveillance systems with surveillance warning stickers. 
  • High security locks with deadbolts. 

Install a Hidden Safe

Using a hidden safe inside your caravan or motorhome means that you will always have a safe storage area for valuables. It also means that you will not be leaving any valuables in clear view. You never want to leave something valuable in clear view of the window or door of your caravan or motorhome. This will increase the likelihood of your vehicle being targeted. 

For More Expert Advice

The Security and Lock Corporation in Miami has all the right experience that you need to keep your property safe. We can help you find the right locks for your caravan or motorhome doors and windows, and we can help you find the right security equipment to deter the criminals. To find out more about how we can help you, contact us today or give us a call at (305) 987-3517. Our team is always ready to help.

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